Hello everyone this is Laura. I wanted to take a few minutes to share the reasons why this Charity is so important to me and my family. When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer my husband and I had just moved away from our families. It was just my husband, son and me. We were in a new area and had to make new friends. It was only about three months after we moved that I found out I had Cancer. It was a shock and then the worry came because our main core of supporters were hours away. However, my husband’s work was amazing and several of his coworkers gave us tickets to the zoo and the local aquarium. We also were given admission to other attractions in the area. It was amazing because we would not have been able to go without these generous gifts. During this time my family often talked about wanting to start a charity to provide similar adventures. There are several charities out there that help with all kinds of Cancer related assistance. This is great and I am grateful that there are people to help with those things. When thinking about everything I, and we, went through during those times the physical battle was a rough one; however the mental battle was just as tough, if not tougher. You are constantly thinking about the money, the time, and what could be. These adventures that we were provided during our time were shinning lights of joy and hope. It was during that time that I was living, during this battle. This is why we wanted to focus on providing free adventures to Cancer patients, who are in the middle of this battle and need some joy and hope. This idea is the passion behind our charity and why we use the phrase “Living the Journey, Fighting for Tomorrow.”  We are all in this together and no matter the outcome, it is the living and memories that we all carry. Thank you to all our supporters because without you we would not be able to make these adventures happen. Thank you to the Warriors who have allowed us to be a part of your Journey.

We will be updating this with all kinds of information so stay tuned.